Productivity Book Summaries
The Miracle Morning
Hal Elrod 5 minSmarter Faster Better
Charles Duhigg 5 minRefuse to Choose!
Barbara Sher 5 minThe Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg 15 minMake Your Bed
William H. McRaven 15 minThe Checklist Manifesto
Atul Gawande 15 minThe 4-Hour Workweek
Timothy Ferriss 15 minThe Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Marie Kondō 15 minGetting Things Done
David Allen 15 minDeep Work
Cal Newport 15 minThe ONE Thing
Gary Keller 15 minAtomic Habits
James Clear 15 minThe Let Them Theory
Mel Robbins 5 minLaws of UX
Jon Yablonski 5 minSuperior Memory
John M. Wilding 5 minThe Barefoot Investor
Scott Pape 5 minLeadership Is Language
L. David Marquet 5 minUnshakeable
Tony Robbins 5 minThe Innovator's Solution
Clayton M. Christensen 5 minWhere Good Ideas Come From
Steven Johnson 5 minCrushing It!
Gary Vaynerchuk 5 min48 Days to the Work You Love
Dan Miller 5 minCrush It!
Gary Vaynerchuk 5 minThe 10X Rule
Grant Cardone 5 minOh, the Places You'll Go!
Dr. Seuss 5 minThe Ideal Team Player
Patrick M. Lencioni 5 minJab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Gary Vaynerchuk 5 minThe 4 Disciplines of Execution
Chris McChesney 5 minScrum
Jeff Sutherland 5 minWinning
Jack Welch 5 minThe New One Minute Manager
Ken Blanchard 5 minCoaching Habit
Michael Bungay Stanier 5 minThe Essential Drucker
Peter F. Drucker 5 minThe Manager's Path
Camille Fournier 5 minFlow
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 5 minThe Personal MBA
Josh Kaufman 5 minRange
David Epstein 5 minThe Dip
Seth Godin 5 minSteal Like an Artist
Austin Kleon 5 minBlue Ocean Strategy
W. Chan Kim 5 minHigh Output Management
Andrew S. Grove 5 minSwitch
Chip Heath 5 minThe $100 Startup
Chris Guillebeau 5 minMeasure What Matters
John Doerr 5 minThe Effective Executive
Peter F. Drucker 5 minDesigning Your Life
Bill Burnett 5 minDo What You Are
Paul D. Tieger 5 minFirst, Break All the Rules
Marcus Buckingham 5 minStrengthsFinder 2.0
Gallup 5 minWhat Got You Here Won't Get You There
Marshall Goldsmith 5 minThe Startup of You
Reid Hoffman 5 minRework
Jason Fried 5 minLinchpin
Seth Godin 5 minSo Good They Can't Ignore You
Cal Newport 5 minZero to One
Peter Thiel 5 minTalent is Overrated
Geoff Colvin 5 minThe War of Art
Steven Pressfield 5 minClear Thinking
Shane Parrish 5 minGrit
Angela Duckworth 5 minThe 5 Second Rule
Mel Robbins 5 minGive and Take
Adam Grant 5 minStart with Why
Simon Sinek 5 minTools of Titans
Timothy Ferriss 5 minThe Obstacle Is the Way
Ryan Holiday 15 minExtreme Ownership
Jocko Willink 15 minBlink
Malcolm Gladwell 15 minYou Are a Badass
Jen Sincero 15 minMindset
Carol S. Dweck 15 minThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey 15 minThe Slight Edge
Jeff Olson 15 minDrive
Daniel H. Pink 15 minEssentialism
Greg McKeown 15 minThe Magic of Thinking Big
David J. Schwartz 15 minEat That Frog!
Brian Tracy 15 minThe Compound Effect
Darren Hardy 15 minSmart Brevity
Jim VandeHei 15 min