Communication Book Summaries
Just Listen
Mark Goulston 5 minThe Culture Map
Erin Meyer 5 minDifficult Conversations
Douglas Stone 5 minGetting to Yes
Roger Fisher 5 minGive and Take
Adam Grant 5 minCrucial Conversations
Kerry Patterson 5 minInfluence
Robert B. Cialdini 15 minHow to Win Friends & Influence People
Dale Carnegie 5 minNever Split the Difference
Chris Voss 15 minSmart Brevity
Jim VandeHei 15 minKey Approaches to Biblical Ethics
Rabens, Volker 5 minThe Science of Storytelling
Will Storr 5 minThe Circle
Dave Eggers 5 minThe Person and the Situation
Lee Ross 5 minModels
Mark Manson 5 minLeadership Is Language
L. David Marquet 5 minTribes
Seth Godin 5 minTeam of Teams
General Stanley McChrystal 5 minJab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Gary Vaynerchuk 5 minThe New One Minute Manager
Ken Blanchard 5 minThe Making of a Manager
Julie Zhuo 5 minCoaching Habit
Michael Bungay Stanier 5 minThe Mythical Man-Month
Frederick Brooks Jr. 5 minThe 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene 5 minLeaders Eat Last
Simon Sinek 5 minThe Culture Code
Daniel Coyle 5 minThe Effective Executive
Peter F. Drucker 5 minThe Art Of War
Sun Tzu 5 minLeadership and Self-Deception
The Arbinger Institute 5 minEmotional Intelligence 2.0
Travis Bradberry 5 minNice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office
Lois P. Frankel 5 minThe 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
John C. Maxwell 5 minNever Eat Alone
Keith Ferrazzi 5 minRadical Candor
Kim Scott 5 minMade to Stick
Chip Heath 5 minQuiet
Susan Cain 5 minThe 5 Love Languages
Gary Chapman 5 minThe Hard Thing About Hard Things
Ben Horowitz 5 minThe Laws of Human Nature
Robert Greene 5 minExtreme Ownership
Jocko Willink 15 minDare to Lead
Brené Brown 15 minThe First 90 Days
Michael D. Watkins 15 min