Business, Marketing & Sales Book Summaries
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
Al Ries 5 minThe Upstarts
Brad Stone 5 minThe Innovator's Solution
Clayton M. Christensen 5 minLean Analytics
Alistair Croll 5 minBuilt to Sell
John Warrillow 5 minTraction
Gabriel Weinberg 5 minCrushing It!
Gary Vaynerchuk 5 minVenture Deals
Brad Feld 5 minAnything You Want
Derek Sivers 5 minRunning Lean
Ash Maurya 5 minBlitzscaling
Reid Hoffman 5 minFounders at Work
Jessica Livingston 5 minThe Startup Owner's Manual
Steve Blank 5 minThe Art of the Start 2.0
Guy Kawasaki 5 minThe Four Steps to the Epiphany
Steve Blank 5 minBusiness Adventures
John Brooks 5 minSam Walton
Sam Walton 5 minPurple Cow
Seth Godin 5 minMoneyball
Michael Lewis 5 minCrossing the Chasm
Geoffrey A. Moore 5 minJab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Gary Vaynerchuk 5 minDelivering Happiness
Tony Hsieh 5 minSprint
Jake Knapp 5 minHow Google Works
Eric Schmidt 5 minThe Everything Store
Brad Stone 5 minBuilt to Last
Jim Collins 5 minThe $100 Startup
Chris Guillebeau 5 minDon't Make Me Think
Steve Krug 5 minThe Design Of Everyday Things
Don Norman 5 minHooked
Nir Eyal 5 minMade to Stick
Chip Heath 5 minZero to One
Peter Thiel 5 minThe Tipping Point
Malcolm Gladwell 15 minBold
Peter H. Diamandis 5 minUNSCRIPTED
MJ DeMarco 5 minLosing My Virginity
Richard Branson 5 minThe Founder's Dilemmas
Noam Wasserman 5 minTraction
Gino Wickman 5 minOnly the Paranoid Survive
Andrew S. Grove 5 minExecution
Larry Bossidy 5 minReinventing Organizations
Frederic Laloux 5 minTeam of Teams
General Stanley McChrystal 5 minThe Toyota Way
Jeffrey Liker 5 minLeading Change
John P. Kotter 5 minScrum
Jeff Sutherland 5 minThe Outsiders
William N. Thorndike Jr. 5 minWinning
Jack Welch 5 minWork Rules!
Laszlo Bock 5 minThe Essential Drucker
Peter F. Drucker 5 minThe Fifth Discipline
Peter M. Senge 5 minPeopleware
Tom DeMarco 5 minThe Personal MBA
Josh Kaufman 5 minThe Mythical Man-Month
Frederick Brooks Jr. 5 minLeaders Eat Last
Simon Sinek 5 minBlue Ocean Strategy
W. Chan Kim 5 minHigh Output Management
Andrew S. Grove 5 minMastery
Robert Greene 5 minThe Phoenix Project
Gene Kim 5 minTurn the Ship Around!
L. David Marquet 5 minThe E-Myth Revisited
Michael E. Gerber 5 minShoe Dog
Phil Knight 5 minThe Innovator's Dilemma
Clayton M. Christensen 5 minThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Patrick Lencioni 5 minThe Lean Startup
Eric Ries 5 minThe Hard Thing About Hard Things
Ben Horowitz 5 minGood to Great
Jim Collins 15 minSmart Brevity
Jim VandeHei 15 min