Learning Book Summaries
Field Trip Mysteries: The Crook that Made Kids Cry
Steve Brezenoff 5 minSuperior Memory
John M. Wilding 5 minThinking, Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahneman 5 minPeak
Anders Ericsson 15 minArtificial Intelligence
Nicola Acocella 5 minRoitt's Essential Immunology
Peter J. Delves 5 minGrowth Mindset: A Practical Guide
Nikki Willis 5 minStructures
J. Gordon 5 minBitcoin For Dummies
Prypto 5 minThe Barefoot Investor
Scott Pape 5 minFinancial Peace
Dave Ramsey 5 minThe Four Pillars of Investing
William J. Bernstein 5 minThe Bogleheads' Guide to Investing
Taylor Larimore 5 minThe Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke
Suze Orman 5 minRich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant
Robert T. Kiyosaki 5 minThe Automatic Millionaire
David Bach 5 minOne Up On Wall Street
Peter Lynch 5 minThe Simple Path to Wealth
J L Collins 5 minSecrets of the Millionaire Mind
T. Harv Eker 5 minA Random Walk Down Wall Street
Burton G. Malkiel 5 minThe Little Book of Common Sense Investing
John C Bogle 5 minMONEY Master the Game
Tony Robbins 5 minI Will Teach You to Be Rich
Ramit Sethi 5 minYour Money or Your Life
Vicki Robin 5 minThe Total Money Makeover
Dave Ramsey 5 minDavid and Goliath
Malcolm Gladwell 5 minThe Pragmatic Programmer
David Thomas 5 minThe Intelligent Investor
Benjamin Graham 5 minMultipliers
Liz Wiseman 5 minThinking in Systems
Donella H. Meadows 5 minRange
David Epstein 5 minSteal Like an Artist
Austin Kleon 5 minMastery
Robert Greene 5 minThe War of Art
Steven Pressfield 5 minThe Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg 15 minGetting Things Done
David Allen 15 minDare to Lead
Brené Brown 15 minPredictably Irrational
Dan Ariely 15 minThe Psychology of Money
Morgan Housel 15 min